

What is Acupuncture?

A yellow speech bubble on top of a black background.

Acupuncture is a complementary medical practice that entails stimulating certain points on the body, most often with a needle penetrating the skin, to alleviate pain or to help treat various health conditions. Medically speaking, acupuncture has been proven to:

  • reduce inflammation & the perception of pain
  • stimulate healing (immune response) in people with chronic illness
  • improve mood, relieve stress & resolve feelings of anxiety

How It Works

Acupuncture has been endorsed for its health benefits by both Eastern Philosophy & Western Science.

Eastern Philosophy

A yellow speech bubble on top of a black background. In traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture is linked to the belief that disease is caused by disruptions to the flow of energy, or qi, in the body. Acupuncture stimulates points on or under the skin called acupuncture points or acupressure points, releasing this qi. The qi then travels through channels called meridians, to achieve equilibrium throughout the functions of your body.

Western Science

A yellow speech bubble on top of a black background.Medical doctors refer their patients to acupuncture more than any other type of alternative medicine because it is a proven, safe and effective way to treat a wide variety of medical problems. While doctors may have competing ideas about “how” acupuncture works, one thing they agree on, is that it works. 

Western scientists have been studying acupuncture for years to understand exactly why this treatment is effective for treating so many conditions. One major hypothesis is that acupuncture works through neurohormonal pathways. By stimulating the nerve, signals fire in the brain and the brain releases “happy” hormones resulting in a higher threshold for pain. Another hypothesis is that acupuncture works by reducing proteins that trigger inflammation, which is a leading cause of pain, Yet another hypothesis applies specifically to how acupuncture can be used to treat nerve damage, such as chemo-induced peripheral neuropathy, a condition that often causes numbness or weakness in the feet and hands. Filiform needles stimulate nerves that signal the brain to secrete nerve growth hormones that help nerves regenerate.

Types of Acupuncture

Regardless of the ailment that you hope to resolve with acupuncture, or the type of treatment that you prefer, all patients experience the same flat hourly rate. Request a free consultation and start your personal journey on the path to wellness, today.

Traditional Chinese Acupuncture

The ancient Chinese believed that there is a universal life energy called Chi or Qi present in every living creature. This energy is said to circulate throughout the body along specific pathways that are called meridians. As long as this energy flows freely throughout the meridians, health is maintained, but once the flow of energy is blocked, the system is disrupted and pain and illness occur. Imagine rivers that flood and cause disasters or an electrical grid short-circuiting that causes blackouts. Acupuncture works to re-program and restore normal functions by stimulating certain points on the meridians in order to free up the Chi energy. This is the most commonly accepted form of acupuncture, and is useful to treat innumerable conditions.

Auricular Acupuncture

A yellow speech bubble on top of a black background.Auricular acupuncture is the stimulation of acupuncture points on the external ear surface for the diagnosis and treatment of health conditions in other areas of the body. The ear holds a microsystem of the body, consistent with the brain map discoveries of Canadian neuroscientist Wilder Penfield.

Auricular acupuncture is especially helpful for regulating your hormonal state. It is also widely used in weight control, addiction, smoke cessation, and anxiety.

Scalp Acupuncture

Scalp acupuncture has drawn international attention as a therapy for treating hemiplegic paralysis, facial paralysis, and eye dysfunction. Although the scalp has numerous traditionally-identified acupuncture points along several of the major meridians (notably the stomach, bladder, gallbladder, triple burner, and governing vessel), modern scalp acupuncture differs from traditional acupuncture therapy. 

Electro Acupuncture

A yellow speech bubble on top of a black background.Acupuncture with electrical stimulation is the use of electrical current (micro amperage or milli-amperage) on the needles at the acupuncture site. It is used to increase effectiveness of the needles by continuous stimulation of the acupoint.  Physiological effects (depending on location and settings) can include endorphin release for pain relief, reduction of inflammation, increased blood circulation, analgesia through interruption of pain stimulus, and muscle relaxation.    It is indicated to treat chronic pain conditions, radiating pain along a nerve pathway, muscle spasm, inflammation, scar tissue pain, and pain located in multiple sites.

Intradermal Acupuncture

Intradermal acupuncture is least invasive form of acupuncture, since it does not involve deep penetration. This form of acupuncture has been shown to offer 70% effectiveness as compared to regular acupuncture. It is useful for those who are fearful of traditional treatment or people that have very sensitive reactions to traditional acupuncture. Sometime, intradermal needle can be retained underneath skin for a few days to encourage micro acupuncture stimulation. People can go on their daily activities without any interference. And the result can be very effective especially with chronic pain. It is also useful for stimulating more sensitive parts of the body, especially the face.

Wrist/Ankle Acupuncture

Wrists and ankles are particularly fragile parts of the human anatomy. Due to this, a specialized study of wrist and ankle acupuncture has grown to encompass how these joints affect our ability to move freely. Generally, individuals who undergo wrist or ankle acupuncture experience a calming effect. Mostly however these methods are used to reduce radiating joint pain

Schedule an Appointment

A yellow speech bubble on top of a black background. I always begin treatment with an extensive, personalized consultation, where we identify your specific needs and options. Acupuncture sessions last approximately 35“55 minutes, depending on the areas that you wish to have treated. Afterward, we may discuss further complementary treatment options based on your needs, schedule and lifestyle.

Regardless of the techniques we take advantage of during your visit, all of my services are performed at a flat rate of $80/hour. I appreciate the opportunity to help you, and I look forward finding the best solution for your very unique situation.

Contact me today to set up your free consultation.